South Eastern Tanzania
South Eastern Tanzania is an area that is seldom visited by tourists as it’s infrastructure is not reliable, yet, it is home to a great variety of animal and bird life as well as encompassing some of the most magnificent beaches.  South Eastern Tanzania also contains a number of interesting settlements and towns which give insight into the slavery and colonial oppression which blighted the country.  The ruined medieval city of Kilwa Kisiwani is considered by many as one of Africas most impressive historical sights.
Selous Game Reserve
The Selous Game Reserve is Africa's largest wildlife sanctuary, covering an area of around 50,000km², more than 5% of Tanzanias total surface area.  Together with the Mikumi National Park which abuts the reserve on the northern side and a number of other smaller reserves, Selous Game Reserve is home to somewhere in the region of 1,000,000 large mammals, including some of the worlds largest populations of African wild dogs, elephants, crocodile, buffalo and hippo.  Some of the only black rhino in the region can also be found with the reserve. Â
The Rufigi River Delta which connects the Great Ruaha River with the Rufigi River before emptying out into the Indian Ocean is a magnificent sight. Â As the largest water catchment area in the region, it acts as a magnet for a profusion of water and bird life.
A variety of activities can be undertaken within the game reserve, including hiking safaris, boat safaris and fishing.  If you time your visit right, you may also get the opportunity to see the elephants migrating – a most amazing experience.
Mafia Island Marine Park
Established to help protect one of the worlds richest marine habitats the Mafia Island Marine Park is a paradise for scuba divers and beach lovers alike. Â The park is made up of a number of important marine habitats including mangroves, sea-grass beds, coral reefs, inter-tidal reef flats, lagoons and coastal forests.
Mnazi Bay – Ruvuma Estuary Marine Park
Situated to the south of Mtwara, the south coasts largest town, The Mnazi Bay – Ruvuma Estuary Marine Park was created in 1990 to help protect the estuarine, mangrove, tidal, peninsular, island and coral reef environments of the area.  Today, it offers visitors a superb insight into the underwater kingdom which can be accessed both by snorkelers and scuba divers.
Rondo Plateau Forest Reserve
The small Rondo Plateau Reserve is a haven for bird lovers; it’s coastal forest is home to a number of species and may even offer visitors the chance to see the East Coast akalat, spotted ground thrush and the Rondo green barbet.
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